May 032005

Let the lead taken by several east Europe countries and Russia be followed by the USA and UK.
A flat tax makes perfect sense morally and in terms of economics.

Just like artificial distorters of life – common agricultural policy being one example – it is time to put fairness and honesty, freedom and justice to the fore.

A flat tax would only be vehemently opposed by a few vested interests who have no right to earn what they do out of the ridiculously elaborate, costly, complex, energy and intellect-wasting tax regimes in most countires of the world. No right because their ride so far is fine , but it is not a right to have your government put in place such a complexc scheme of taxation that the very exixtence of it creates jobs, whether in the public (tax offices?) sector or tax attorneys and planners in the private sector.

A flat tax must be set at a very low rate – it needs to be below 20% and preferably in the teens to provide that \””compliance incentive\”” which will reduc eht enormous costs of enforcing taxation compliance and payment of tax.

The boost to enterprise, the worthwhile-ness of hiring (cretaing jobs) the worthwqhile-ness of working , being an entrepreneur, taking chances and moving forward – all will benefit.

Clearly in examples set by countries which have adopted the flat tax system actual tax revenue should increase in short order.
Productivity gains in the hours saved by the general population not having to spend days in tax form preparation and possibly, in not devising ways to avoid paying tax at all will be substantial.

No reason or excuse whould prevent this move forward – part of a general move which must be a new current towards fairness, liberty and justice worldwide.

OK America and Great Britain – do it now and let countries such a s Greece and Italy follow and then let the good times (flat tax) roll worldwide. Start!